Ideas On Getting Smarter

How to become smarter? How to get clever? Are you interested in the topic of intelligence? Do you like to follow the latest and greatest researches on the topic of intelligence, then this blog is for you! In this blog we'll be going through a variety of topics like defining what exactly is intelligence, as well as which activitiest can actually help us increase our intelligence and become smarter.

Since I was really young, I was so excited by the so called brain-games, my excitement is due to the fact that brain-games did stimulate my brain and gave me a certain kind of natural "high", I noticed that simply playing with legos made me feel better than say playing soccer with my friends. I never had access to computers or any kind of digital equipements in my childhood, so I had to invent my own games, to challenge my brain. This took too much time and energy from me. When I grew up and bought my own computer, I learned about many computer games that are designed with that purpose in mind, specifically to train and stimulate the brain. I can't even describe how excited I was the first time I played a chess game against a computer, this was something I always dreamed of, but never thought it was possible it used to be that I played against myself, and set challenging setups for me to solve.

Now with a computer and a chess opponent at hand, things got a lot more exciting for me, in the mid 90s when I first got access to an internet connection, I downloaded a game called "viantoz2", it was a russian game, which basicallly had a set of modules to test different mental capabilities, like the ability to remember digits, solve mathematical problems and make fast intelligent decisions. This was a totally new world for me, I got hooked, while other kids were playing racing and sports games, I was completely into brain games of all sorts. I played for hours everyday, and the more I played the more I felt  like I'm changing, at a psychological level, not only did I feel smarter, but I felt happier. Somehow these games filled a gap that I struggled to fill all along my life.

As I grew up and became more sophisticated at playing these games, a friend of mine, got me introduce to programming, at that time, programming platforms were pretty basic, but they were advanced enough to be able to use them to design my own games, which exactly what I did, I started coding my brain-games, to help others become smarter and improve their brains as well. Not so long ago, I came across this site which talked about a brain game that has been proven to increase intelligence, I was so excited to finally find someone confirming my belief that it is possible to become smarter, I went to wikipedia and read all about the topic, it turns out there is a new game called dual-n-back that has indeed been found to increase IQ/  I'm currently in the process of designing my own version of it. In the near future, I'll dedicate more of my time to coding computer games, that are based on modern researches instead of just my own convictions.